Sunday, 17 July 2011

Brighton Japan Festival

I meant to post these much earlier. This are some photos from the Brighton Japan Festival. I went there almost a month ago. I didn't spend a lot of time there. Just enough to buy some mochi and enjoy the atmosphere.

Brighton Pier  that burnt down a couple of years ago.

The mochi were delicious! Especially the one with the strawberry in it. Should have bought more. Maybe next time.

Sorry for not writing a lot about this. I really didn't spend a lot of time at the festival. I spent more time exploring Brighton as I'd never been, but forgot to take pictures of that. It was a great city so much to see and take in. Next time I will be better at taking pics!


  1. I looooooove Brighton. Did you check out the Lanes? So cute!


  2. Judith, I didn't know you were there too! Weren't those mochi delicious? ;)

    (Btw - hope your Hyper Japan ticket turned up ok!)

  3. Lanes: checked!
    Mochi: Loved them! Should have bought more. Wonder how long they would last...
